Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Went to a large and very nice market  named O'Brien's who's owners boast of their excellent fruits and produce with a deli and their own meat counter. I was busy shopping and realized I needed some fresh fruit to make a fruit salad. I skipped (like hell I did, more like held on to the basket and prayed I would remain upright long enough to get this ordeal over with since there wasn't a boyscout in sight) and began purchasing a variety of fresh fruits when I came to the bananas which were wonderfully displayed until I caught on to what the advertising meant. For the first time in my life, as I gazed at the display, I felt like "stupifyin' Jones" from Lil Abner. This just couldn't be right, was this modern, well appointed super market suggesting carnal love with a fruit? Now I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, I watched Dr. Ruth and her suggestions on cucumbers, you know, the cukes don't kiss & tell nor spread communicable diseases with the added advantage of picking the size that suits and all that poppy rot still I just do not believe in taking advantage of innocent vegetables and now I'm being encouraged to molest a banana? I was so traumatized I had to be driven home by the store's manager who apologized profusely for any undo misunderstanding. I accepted graciously and allowed him to unload my purchases. After he left, I sat down and eyed the banana then assured it that there was nothing to worry about with me as I peeled and ate the little sod right down to the end of it's little pod.

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