Friday, December 28, 2012

This is my favorite killing spell. I've killed nearly every offensive dimwit that has ever offended me and I cannot be prosecuted as there is no DNA involved nor is it a hands on, up close or personal kind of elimination of the offender.

The only weapon needed is one turkey egg.

Take the turkey egg and bury it in a wicked person's grave (they usually have the biggest, gawdiest, most elaborate tombstones).  Leave it to sit there for five days.

After the time has completed, take out the egg and carry it to the house of the intended target.  Throw the egg over the top of the house.  In five days time the person should be dead.
If this should fail, get another turkey egg, bury it and repeat the process.  Do not throw over the offenders house, hit'em directly between the eyes. That should do it.  

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