Tuesday, May 14, 2013

                          How to Kill a Vampire:

Here's the problem, my guess is you don't know jack about vampires. No one does. Oh, yeah, there are legends about vampires and thousands of stories, but that's just the trouble. Not all of them can be right. And being wrong when you're facing down a thousand-year old excuse for a human tick can be the kiss of death.

Protective Measures:

Vampires are fast, mean, and nasty, and they have the advantage of supernatural powers and potentially centuries of experience on their side. You have a handful of dusty legends and the fact you probably won't really believe you've encountered a vampire until the moment before you're dead.

 Since you don't know for sure what you're  up against, stock up on all the standards and double or triple up on them. Start with garlic, holy water, crosses, and a cord of wooden stakes.

Add any traditional weapons to your armory too: guns, knives, grenades, etc. Vampires are famous for making the living do their bidding, and that super soaker filled with holy water is only going to make such minions mad and very wet. Elimination Strategies: When you finally face down a bloodsucker, start with the simplest methods and then pile on the pain until you find something that works. Once you figure that out, hammer at it over and over until every vampire in your zip code is a pile of ash.

Good luck.

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