Saturday, January 12, 2013

                               THE CAVE
They lay their exhausted, only a few of them remained. Their numbers almost decimated and with little movement to indicate how many were still alive.  They had once been in the millions, now only a scant few survived the vicious attack of the deadly foam and the horrible bristled tusk that scoured, probed, and sent spiked feelers stabbing into, under and around every crevice and large mountain formation of their warm, dark cave. The survivors had begun to crawl from the few hiding places left untouched by the probing feelers, enabling them to survive the massacre.  Still stunned and reeling from the vicious surprise attack that left only a few of them barely alive, they began to crawl from their places of refuge, weak and shaken from the ambush, trying to reassemble what little life was left.  Then, a sudden and disastrous flood filled the cave without warning, the opening closed completely as the horrible, disinfectant chemical flood was trapped inside the cave, the churning and swirling tsunami creating instantaneous death.  This time, there were no survivors.

Ron glanced into the mirror and smiled, yes sir, the new Dentist sure knew his stuff.  The new foaming toothpaste and that new antibacterial mouthwash was great, but the piece de resistance was the brand new electric sonic toothbrush with it's rotating head and probing bristles that cleaned his teeth like nothing he had ever used. 

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