Friday, February 23, 2024

The transformation of J.W.'s pickup. It was for the original owners 17 year old son. Looks like the pickup was "cherried out" the teenage son's description. Mystery solved.

Rick Gray (cousin) 46 years old. Born to ride.

Rick Gray approximately 15 months old.

 J.W. & Vee's mare and foal.

"Vee's" black 1959 Ford.

J.W. Hunter drove this 1950's Chevrolet pickup for years. He eventually sold it to Jim Moomjean for a price neither would disclose but Jim was the original owner when he sold it to J.W. Something mysterious about that old Chevy pickup. . . 

J.W. & Vee Hunter both long since passed from this life, but were a commanding part of my younger years. There is no beginning - - - and no ending - - -  only a slow blending - - - day into night till the blending becomes the one consistency.  Peace be with you both for all eternity. 

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